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With stuff like the sissy class, is there any transformation content? Like can the PC be feminized or change physical appearance?


Needs a android version ASAP and to make it easier way too hard


are there any cheats, its too diffcult

WIll there be an apk/android verison this game looks amazing

You can play it on android using joiplay


I can't figure out how to get passed the red tentacles in the ice dungeon.

Anyone know how to deal with the download issue on app?

Which fetishes are already included, and which are planned to be added?

incredible game! cant wait for more!!


hey dead link btw

(1 edit) (+2)

... Well I can honestly say that if you don't enjoy feet, or being made to bark like a dog, a lot, than you may not like this one.

Also, I can see comments eventually getting turned off. Which would really kill the game on this platform.

To the author, I think you may find better success, if you just did free game and updates, while the patreon is a few builds or more ahead.

It would be great to see a series of events where your choices matter leading up to a trial that decides your class for you. For instance, being a sissy, right now, is just being a mage and nothing more. It would be really great to have these classes influenced the types of scenes you get, which is a lot of work, but then it would completely justify the purchase price.

Good luck, I will be checking in on you periodically as I do like the premise.


Hi, thanks for the feedback, right now I am focusing on expanding more scenes and more stories for the game.

class event is a cool idea, but I will probably work on polishing the game much later.

But I hope you do enjoy your time in Lithzena.


About my time in Lithzena... I did play it all the way through, with the Public scene with the red dressed folks (I'll say it like that as to not spoil anything) all content fully explored. I was hoping to see something related to sissy play, as that is one of the classes, however, the only thing in game related to it is the word "Sissy" under classes. I guess there isn't any content related to that yet.

Will you be expanding on this at all, avatar changes, clothes, sissification from the femdoms at all? Currently, there doesn't seem to be anything of the sort.


Yes, sissy will be part of the game,  it will be a faction that comes much later.

currently planned faction:

House of Discipline - Pet play , Dominatrix

already in the game. 75% complete

Red Maiden- Milking, public humiliation,

already in the game. 30 -45% complete

Pupetress- Brainwashing

already in the game, only the intro is complete.. so I still have 95% of the content to do.

Maju- Monster Girl

already in the game, only the intro is complete.. so I still have 95% of the content to do.

Golden Church- Findom/ Piss

I only briefly mentioned in the game, that non of the contents are done yet.  But it is about a group of religious theme girls that take your money and piss on you.

Silver Legion - Chastity/ Pegging

I only briefly mentioned, non of the contents are done yet. But is about a group of knight theme girls that lock you in chastity, sissify you, and peg you.


April release - will be another 4 lewd scenes for Therese in HOD

May- Mainline story expansion

June- Red Maiden content expansion

July- Pupetress/ Maju expansion (plan might change)

August- Silver Legion/ Golden Church  expansion (plan might change)